(Renewal every 5 or 10 years)

General Requirements:

  1. Firearm Registration Application Form – Form provided by Trust Trade or maybe downloaded from our website
  2. Copy of Valid License to Own and Possess Firearm (LTOPF)

Additional Requirements for Taurus T4 or HPRFL (For LEA):

  1. Photocopy of Appointment Order and Unit ID
  2. Certificate of Duty Status and Certificate of Non-Pending Case (Purpose: To Purchase Taurus T4) with date of validity


If Transfer of Firearms, add:

  • Deed of Sale/Deed of Donation

Firearm Requirements in PDFClick here to view and download the List of Requirements for LTOPF and Firearm Registration in PDF format ** Subject to changes without prior notice per updating of PNP-FEO regulations.

Product Enquiry